"Take back the wheel" is a blog site that explores the craziness of politics today!

It is time for "We the people " to "Take back the wheel", and get involved in the craziness that has infected our great country... I'm just sayin...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Harry Reid supporters resort to violence in Nevada, using Saul Alinski tactics!

This weekend Harry Reid supporters resorted to violence in his hometown to try and thwart supports of the tea party members from rolling into town on buses for a peacefull deminstration. The Electrical union in the area apparently was put up to the violence of throwing eggs and then accused the tea party of the acts! why would the tea partiers throw eggs at their own bus??? hahaha idiots..all of them.
   The police then showed up after the union called them, and they acused the people that were the victims as being the agressors...The crooked Police drove away rather than arrest the aggressors! They should be brought up on charges especially since it's on tape. But-  that's all typical saul alinksi radical tactics taken from the book "Rules for radicals"..the same philosphy that Obama and this newly crowned dictatorship administration goes by now! First play the victom, then try slander and name calling if all else fails. The left wing socialists will stop at nuthing to advance their agenda..Including Violence! One day these scumbags are going to try those tactics on the wrong people in an attempt to provoke a reaction...What if they get their wish? it's getting ugly out there...
    The people in this country don't want your communism..get over it! Obama is a failure..get over it! he is not the GOD you thought he was...Get over it! Lenin and stalin's utopia doesn't exist...get over it! The progressives will not be re-elected in November...get over it! get off yer collective asses and Go to work and forget the promise that obama made to let you all sit on your asses and collect entitlements! You have to apply yourselves at some point! get a job and contribute to society..stop begging for free shit! we the people of this country can't afford all you leftists being dependants! get over it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

How are we supposed to pay for Obama's take over of Health care (The Mexican health care relief fund)

     Lets call it what it really is people...Obama wants us to pay for pelosi's Mexicans in california! Why do you think Arnold is bashing his own party....Besides being a turncoat- he's drowning in mexicans! close the damn borders...Noooo...Let us that work for a living pay for them to go to the emergency room for the sniffles pay for it. It's redistribution on a grand scale!
    Obama needs to be impeached now-and put on trial for crimes against all Americans!..and..the scumbags that allow this guy to do what he's doing as well...have the trials in new york city...I don't care. Waste their money up there...They drank the cool aid, let them suffer for their crimes too. I work 40 hours a week, and i'm in the lower class tax bracket and already pay too much, now were supposed to pay for mexicans too so they can live it up in Hollywood? Screw that...pelosi should pay for them, She let them into her state, she's responsible for them!
   oh ..wait...all i have to do is quit my two jobs, and I'll have free health care..hahaha Never mond all that i just said...now it's fair...whew! glad i thought of it...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Obama Hates This Country...

  Sitting in the pews listening to Jerimia Wright conditioned this guy Obama that's posing as a president! I'm convinced that he hates the country and is desperatly trying to take down the Evil empire that is Capitolisim...He and the spoiled kids of the "Generation X" have the notion that "It's not fair"...People that worked for their wealth should have to share..In a big fuckin commune! They aren't fair! They sound like big whinning babies! That's how they think. I just heard on the radio some brat in his 20's screaming how the rich have all the money, NO DUH!and it isn't fair...hahaha that idiot is too lazy to work for anything, and he wants everything spread out evenly! hahaha The generation that's entering the work force now are lazy Punks..Plain and simple. I didn't go to college..I was too busy banging chicks and driving hot rods....I deserve what I get! I don't sit around crying how Bill Gates has all his money and I am making 10.00 an hour now cause of the bad economy...Bill gates worked for it, and created jobs for millions of people..Obama didn't! And- He probably pay's the highest taxes in the country and do you see him crying about it? He is the most gernerous guy I'll bet...And we have kids that were coddled and taught to share everything by the Hippy Yuppies..and taught everyone will suceed even if they don't work hard for it...They think there all entitled to a life! "Everyone gets a trophy"...or "No Child left behind"...Obama is going to try his best to not disapoint them either...he's going to try this communisim crap out on America if were not carefull to destroy him in the elections! We need to de-fang this asshole! The Gen X's Punks will get other peoples money in a trade off to vote for him, That's what he's promising these kids with the "Organizing for America" hijacking of your kids- and no-one in the country will work hard to gain anything anymore cause the big government will take care of us all...Gimmee a break! Obama was raised as a communist...His agenda is one big commune of sharing for the world, and his ego believes he can do it too..He and the gen X ers and progressives must be stopped!..I'm just sayin...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Texas IRS Plane bomber was a Left wing extreamist you idiots! Just read the note!

Are you freakin kidding me??? I called this yesterday! The first thing i said when I watched the texas IRS Bldg. Bomber was that the Left wing loons were going to try to put it all on the tea party! I was right !!! hahha The Radical Left Blogger idiots don't have anything better to do than read into and twist that guy's suicide note, and say he was linked to the tea party? You Jerk-offs..If you really read it he's obviously a left winger!!! You dorks have to put your own kind on the tea party side to try and mis-lead the public to complete your Socialist Utopia agenda without a hitch! Your all afraid that if the people see what extreemests you all really are they will try to stop your Progressive take-over of America...You know that the American People don't want any part oif communisim and won't go for your agenda so you distract them from the truth! hahaha Moorons! get a grip! he said he hated Bush and Obama..That's a left wing Socialist progressive wing-nut! Get with the program idiot bloggers...your lies are in the light...you can't hide what your trying to do...The people are too smart for that! We all know what your up to, and were coming to remove your senators, and reps. from their seats this november...You'll just have to wait another 100 years to take over the country...hahahhaha Dumb Asses....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Have you ever seen such malice against the American People by one administration?

    This just in...Holder has decided that we are going to have the "9/11 trials" in New york City after all...and Obama is touting the decision..The people and the Governor of new York said NO!, but in typical fashion Obama and Holder decided that You- The people of NY are idiots...You don't know any better...The progressives do! Now- sit down and shut up!!!...Obama and his goons have "Made themselves clear" on this...Your going to have to go along with it, and absorb the Millions of dollars it will cost for security to bring these clowns into the city daily- for what may turn into months or years...

    Ya know what...I've about had it with these clowns! I have never seen such arrogance by an administration in all my life...The disdain for the American people is staggering! These bafoons have to be brought to justice themselves for crimes against America! yes...Put Obama and Holder on trial..throw in Emanuel and Gibbs too. There- I said it! Too bad!!! They all are criminals for posing as men with honor and taking our trust of government and abusing it! These scumbags must face the music themselves...who is supposed to govern the government? US! .How about having a press conference Obama...without your teleprompter huh?!!! I know you'll just lie anyway, but at least the American people will see you for who you really are! There i said it! ...If they can go against everything we stand for, then I speak up against what they are doing! Thank GOD it's still America..and for now we have free speech! Give them time though...they will destroy that too with the "Fairness Doctrine" (look that one up...OMG)...If you think that Obama isn't trying his hardest to dissolve all your rights- and twist laws to go against the constitution then wake up dummy! This is a person that thinks the Constitution is an out dated negative document...Remember? Well..don't forget it! The progressive movement is out to "Transform America"...remember that tidbit during his campaign? You thought that he meant that he'd fix the government of all it's issues..hahaha You all fell for it! keep in mind people...He warned you...now he's doing it. That's the only promise he intends to keep..You must decide what side your on...I'm just sayin...Wildbillo

                                "If you don't stand for something- you'll fall for anything"!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just another Lie from obama! get used to it people...and open yer wallets!

     On February 24th 2009 Your lord and savior- Obama assured the American people that if your "Family made less than 250K you would not be taxed one single dime more"..hahaha Who believed that crap? if you trusted that this guy was going to keep any single promise it wasn't that one I hope..Your just an idiot if you thought he'd keep his word on anything he said during his campaign...He's a democrat! Well..Now he is claiming to be "Agnostic' on the decision to raise taxes on families below the 250K salary class...Was it ever a question that he wasn't gonna keep his word? Nahhhh get used to it. He's a radical democrat with communist up bringing. he wants everyone not in his self proclaimed Upper class elite sector to be on their collective asses to ba able to insert policies at will, and grow the government to obscene stature.. This way he can appease the progressive friends he has in low places, and his own ego at the same time! Meanwhile...The American people will suffer greatly for it.

     The Republicans will have their hands full this coming election when they take over the house and senate, cause there going to need a mile wide mop to fix what this administration is destroying. My only question is- Can the Republicans claim it was Obama's fault...like how he's blaming Bush for all his failures? hummm I doubt it. The left hates anything that points to their inferior ability to govern a free country! It's been this way forever. democrats just don't what there doing period...They just don't think the same way normal people do...Greed and power and frivolous spending (and skimming off the top for their pockets) is all they have in mind for America, Not making sure we remain the country that can be counted on in the worlds eyes! We are no longer #1...and I doubt we will ever be again! I'm just sayin Wildbillo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beware Elitists- Obama isn't a GOD ya know!

   I got news for all the "Progressives" out there...Obama is not a GOD! He's not a GOD!! He's an narcissistic ideologue...Big difference! There seems to be a notion that this guy is gonna be different from other politicians...The campaign is over...now the real Obama comes out, Your all fooling yourselves! Take for instance the "Jobs Created" that the admin. is takin credit for...There creating jobs alright...In the IRS. He's coming after you too..not just the private sector employers..Government the one place we don't need anymore jobs.  We need jobs in the private sector..Period! This president is so out of touch with the private sector he thinks employers aren't hiring because of not being able to take out loans....That's not true at all. Employers don't know what the government is doing next to hurt them, and what they plan on doing to the country- so why expand and hire people? You can't! You don't want to over extend yourself (like the spend free and often Government we have now) during uncertain times....If this president had ran anything in his life, or the rest of them for that matter someone in the white house would tell him that he's going the wrong way! Also..The reason there isn't any credit to be had out there is due to Obama's threats to tax (or penalize) the banks and pretty much anyone they see fit - for making a profit! He hates anyone making money....he was raised that way. Communism has a way of clouding your mind in such a way that you hate and despise anyone or any company that turns a profit- but then the communists want to tax the hell out of them too so they can dole out the money to the lower class citizens that don't contribute anything to the society to make sure that they don't do anything in life..That in and of itself is an issue that baffles me....if they (private sector) don't make money- you can't take it! Duh!

    People like Obama and the clowns he has appointed around him in The White House are elitists...They think they are superior to us, and to the nuisance Tea Partiers but at the same time they need us for the hard work that the elite won't ever do...(They have made us slaves pretty much) they want to gain more and more power by creating bigger Government, At the same time depleting the economy that feeds the elitists big government machine...It doesn't make sense to me how they think this will work! Unless...they pick apart the constitution...aaahhhh that's it..they seek to destroy the constitution by down playing it's significance in the country, and teaching in the schools that it's an out-dated document that needs to be changed to suit their needs...You can't have a constitution and be a communist state with that pesky document in the way! The constitution is what will make us strong enough to reverse the damage that these elitists do for the next few years...The work were going to have to do is great...come November we have to vote in conservatives and weed out those that seek to destroy the country and make their neo-socialist utopia...Were coming for you scumbags...We will take back the Senate, HOR and the country...Pelosi, and Ried and even McCain are not safe! look that "The Kennedy seat'..if we can "Take back the Wheel" in Massachusetts, we can take the country back too...I'm just sayin...Wildbillo