"Take back the wheel" is a blog site that explores the craziness of politics today!

It is time for "We the people " to "Take back the wheel", and get involved in the craziness that has infected our great country... I'm just sayin...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just another Lie from obama! get used to it people...and open yer wallets!

     On February 24th 2009 Your lord and savior- Obama assured the American people that if your "Family made less than 250K you would not be taxed one single dime more"..hahaha Who believed that crap? if you trusted that this guy was going to keep any single promise it wasn't that one I hope..Your just an idiot if you thought he'd keep his word on anything he said during his campaign...He's a democrat! Well..Now he is claiming to be "Agnostic' on the decision to raise taxes on families below the 250K salary class...Was it ever a question that he wasn't gonna keep his word? Nahhhh get used to it. He's a radical democrat with communist up bringing. he wants everyone not in his self proclaimed Upper class elite sector to be on their collective asses to ba able to insert policies at will, and grow the government to obscene stature.. This way he can appease the progressive friends he has in low places, and his own ego at the same time! Meanwhile...The American people will suffer greatly for it.

     The Republicans will have their hands full this coming election when they take over the house and senate, cause there going to need a mile wide mop to fix what this administration is destroying. My only question is- Can the Republicans claim it was Obama's fault...like how he's blaming Bush for all his failures? hummm I doubt it. The left hates anything that points to their inferior ability to govern a free country! It's been this way forever. democrats just don't what there doing period...They just don't think the same way normal people do...Greed and power and frivolous spending (and skimming off the top for their pockets) is all they have in mind for America, Not making sure we remain the country that can be counted on in the worlds eyes! We are no longer #1...and I doubt we will ever be again! I'm just sayin Wildbillo

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